
U.S. Aid to Mexico

Writers of the letter saying Los Angeles should be ashamed of its care of the homeless (July 9) show their concern but missed something special about California.

We were living in Mexico City during the earthquakes of 1985. Two days after the first one, a group from Operation California and Operation Texas arrived to see what was most needed by way of relief. They came to find the actual needs in order not to send duplications and also to learn what might be superfluous.

Both operations are primarily medical aid, volunteer organizations. Not only did they send medical help, they have followed up on their assistance to a stricken country, and a lot of the money to do this was supplied by caring Californians.


A year after the quakes, Operation California put on a star-studded Christmas show and presented gifts for homeless and deprived children.

In a few weeks OC will return to Mexico to inaugurate a new “city” for hundreds of families left homeless by the quakes. This project is in cooperation with the Mexican government.

OC’s primary focus in the new city is a clinic which, by the way, still needs an ambulance and more medical supplies.


Also, California rescue dog teams, paramedics and nurses flew to Mexico City to help search for live victims. Some even paid their own way.

It isn’t that people don’t care. It’s just that the need is so great everywhere.



Rolling Hills Estates
