

“Roger Powell normally would be here--but couldn’t be, so his data is here,” Todd Rundgren announced to the audience at the Coach House in San Juan Capistrano, referring to the keyboardist in his band Utopia.

That statement, and the song that followed during Rundgren’s solo show Monday, pretty much captured the essence of his performance: There were numerous droll asides, and everything he needed to showcase his considerable talent as a singer-songwriter-guitarist-pianist and video innovator was contained in his computer setup and its attendant “data.”

But having one of the most high-tech solo shows around (he also kept things visually interesting with computer-enhanced imagery of his performance) isn’t strictly a plus. After the reference to Powell’s data, and at other points in the nearly two-hour set, he simply sang over a backing track as he prowled the stage. At these times, the difference between Rundgren’s act and that of a lounge singer could fit on a microchip, despite all the sophistication of his digital gear.


Fortunately, he constantly changed musical formats: About half the time that he was using prerecorded backing tracks, he also played electric guitar, certainly a step closer to live performance. Better yet were the spots when Rundgren was accompanied only by acoustic guitar or electric piano.

He’s written a trunkful of fine pop tunes over the years, and is an exceptional--if often overlooked--singer. The truly solo moments Monday provided the best, purest reminders of both points. He was also scheduled to play Tuesday at the Coach House, and is due at the Palace on Friday and Saturday.
