
San Diego

Two police officers and three other people were injured during the high-speed pursuit of a stolen car Monday, police said.

Officers Beth Mohr, 22, and Harold Eisenga, 25, reportedly were in good condition at Mercy Hospital, where they were being treated for cuts.

Raul Manriquez, 23, and Patricia Verdugo, 19, were treated for minor injuries Tuesday at Sharp Memorial Hospital. Guadalupe Verdugo Manriquez, age 1, was held overnight Monday for observation at Children’s Hospital.


Manriquez, who was driving a stolen car that crashed into the officer’s car, was arrested for suspicion of auto theft, driving while intoxicated and evading arrest, according to Detective Rick O’Hanlon.

Manriquez was released from the hospital into police custody. Verdugo and the child were passengers in the car driven by Manriquez and were allowed to go home, police said.

Officers said they began chasing the car as it entered eastbound California 94 from Interstate 15. The car was followed by police as it exited onto Federal Boulevard. At 60th Street and Broadway, the car hit Mohr and Eisenga’s police car broadside, O’Hanlon said.
