
Lynwood : Academy Pleas to Be Heard

More than 300 people Tuesday peacefully marched to the Lynwood Unified School District board meeting to protest condemnation of the private Lynwood Adventist Academy to build a public high school. After listening to pleas by members of STOPPS (Stop Taking Our Private Parochial Schools) to block eminent domain proceedings, school board members agreed to meet with STOPPS people at the next regularly scheduled board meeting Sept. 1.

The group was seeking to open talks with the board in an attempt to save the academy. A motion by board member Thelma Williams to form a committee composed of STOPPS members, school officials, community and City Council representatives failed on a 3-2 vote.

Board President Helen Andersen told the group that the board was limited in what it could say because it is now in court on condemnation proceedings against the academy property. But she said the board would confer with its attorney to determine what is legally permissible. She said the board would have some answers for STOPPS by the September meeting.


In December, the Lynwood school board voted to condemn the 20-acre Adventist property at 4200 Imperial Highway, which includes a high school, an elementary school and athletic field.

The school district also has filed condemnation proceedings against the Sterik Co. of West Los Angeles, which owns 12 acres adjacent to the academy.
