
Abortion Counseling Setback : Reagan Moves to End U.S. Aid for Advice, Referrals

Associated Press

President Reagan, promising to “push just as hard as I know how for pro-life measures,” today announced new federal regulations ending the use of federal aid for abortion counseling and directed the surgeon general to study the effects of abortion on women.

In an appearance before anti-abortion activists, Reagan said the Department of Health and Human Services will soon formally propose rules that would bar the use of federal grant money for abortion advice and referral services.

Reagan said that among the regulatory changes the department will propose, with draft rules to be published in the Federal Register within 30 days, is eliminating language in Title X of the Public Health Act requiring recipients of federal funds to offer abortion as an alternative to pregnant women.


Considered Bias

Saying that this language has effectively denied such Title X grants to anti-abortion groups, Reagan said, “I’m directing the secretary of health and human services to publish regulations removing this bias from groups that refuse to take part in abortion activities.”

Reagan also said he has told Surgeon General C. Everett Koop to “issue a comprehensive report of the health effects, physical and mental, of abortion on women.”

On the regulatory front, Reagan announced these steps:

--The department will propose that rules governing the disbursement of federal family assistance “specifically state that a program that does provide counseling and referral for abortion services as a method of family planning will not be eligible” for Title X funds.


--A change in the Title X regulations so that “any organization that provides abortion-related services will be required to clearly separate these services” financially and physically from programs the federal government is paying for.

“At present, the coexistence of abortion with federally supported family planning services fosters the view that abortion is an acceptable and government-sanctioned method of family planning,” he said.

--A restriction on the use of federal funds “for activities that advocate abortion.”

Reagan said it is “inconsistent with Title X” for federal funds to be used to provide speakers to debate in opposition to pro-life speakers, to lobby for pro-abortion legislation, to provide transportation to abortion clinics.”


Once published, the regulations will take effect after a public questioning period.

The National Organization for Women immediately attacked the new rules. Patricia Ireland, NOW executive vice president, commented: “It’s a desperation move, it’s a lame-duck presidency, it’s a discredited Administration. We don’t believe they’re going to be successful.”

William W. Hamilton, director of the Washington office of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, said that “to exclude (abortion as an option offered by family planning counselors), I think, is to subject oneself to medical malpractice complaints” from people who visit these clinics.
