
Long Beach : Minority Effort Ended

The Long Beach Redevelopment Agency’s first major effort to support minority development has ended in failure, according to Roger Anderman, the agency’s executive director.

Cherry Hill Development Corp., a company with a 50% minority ownership, which has been negotiating with the city for two years on a 40-unit condominium project, has missed the city’s deadline for the start of construction and failed to supply evidence of minority hiring as required by the city, Anderman said. The default, he said, was due to a dispute between Cherry Hill and a partner in the project, Specialty Restaurants Inc. of Anaheim.

A list of possible alternatives for the 1.5-acre site in the 1600 block of Atlantic Avenue in the city’s blighted central area will be brought before the Redevelopment Agency’s board in about two weeks, Anderman said.
