
Countywide : Census Bureau Aides to Open County Survey

Census bureau representatives will visit 4,000 Southern California area residents, many of them from Orange County, beginning today as part of a national survey, a census bureau official said.

In the next two weeks, they will be conducting a “Survey of Income and Program Participation” to gather information on jobs, earnings and participation in federal programs.

The workers will be identifiable by the red, white and blue ID cards they will be wearing, said Adrian Dove, assistant regional census manager.


The bureau will survey 25,000 U.S. households. Orange County was randomly selected to be part of the survey, Dove said.

The questioning will last about an hour, Dove said, and bureau workers will follow up with brief questions every four months for the next two years.

Respondents’ identities remain confidential, Dove said, and the information will be supplied to public administrators and officials to use in making changes in programs and policies.
