
Local News in Brief : Caltrans’ Backlog Grows

One of the reasons Los Angeles County motorists are spending more time stuck in traffic is that the state highway department, Caltrans, is falling further and further behind on completing already funded road improvements, a state legislative committee was told Wednesday.

State highway traffic congestion is increasing at a rate of 15% a year, in part because 40% to 60% of Caltrans highway projects are behind schedule, consultant Loyd Forrest reported to the Assembly Transportation Committee at a downtown hearing. “Funding is not the current limitation on project delivery,” Forrest said, blaming the delays on Caltrans’ understaffing.

But Caltrans director Leo J. Trombatore said there are few cases “where inaction by Caltrans has caused delay.” He blamed the backlog of road improvements on difficulties in obtaining environmental clearances and diversion of staff to emergency projects.
