
Setting History Straight and Relocating King Carlos III

The ignorance of City Council members Alatorre and Molina of their own city’s history, and of American and Latin American history, is both appalling and ludicrous. Their shoot-from-the-hip oratory succeeded in insulting the representative of another country for no reason other than their failure to pay attention to what was being discussed, either in council chambers or back when they were in their high school or college history classes.

Your reporter says Alatorre believes “that to honor a Spanish king that reigned prior to Mexico’s independence would be to celebrate tyranny.” How absurd! To reduce such logic to its absurd extreme, we should change the name of William and Mary College in Virginia, as well as Jamestown, the two Carolinas, Virginia, etc.--all named for English monarchs who ruled over the 13 colonies before the American Revolution.


Woodland Hills
