
Sessions Expected to Leave Hospital Today

Associated Press

FBI Director-designate William S. Sessions, who is recuperating from a bleeding ulcer, is scheduled to be released from the hospital today and will rest for a week or more away from Washington, officials said Friday.

Sessions, 57, is in “good” condition, is on a regular diet and is scheduled for discharge today, said a statement issued by George Washington University Medical Center, where Sessions was hospitalized Thursday.

It was still undetermined when he will be sworn in. Although his plans are not firm, doctors want him to rest for at least a week before handling a normal workload, FBI and Justice Department officials said.


Before doctors diagnosed his ulcer Thursday, Sessions, a U.S. district judge, had planned to fly home to Texas to finish cleaning out his office after his swearing-in ceremony at FBI headquarters in Washington.

He had not decided Friday whether to return to his home during the brief recovery period.
