
Fined Bicyclist to Shun The Strand

I find it interesting that, exactly on the date of the 200th anniversary of the signing of our Constitution, you publish a picture of (a true cross-section of upper-middle-class life) men, women and children on bicycles labeled “Scofflaws” (Times, Sept. 17).

These people are obviously not interfering with the pleasure nor motion of anyone around them, and it is clear that many bicyclists so fit your label. The police, unfortunately, can select such individuals and literally charge them with a crime--such cycling is unlawful.

I recently fit such a description near this area, was cited “according to the letter of the law” . . . and finally paid a $28 fine for my violation. As a firm believer in the concept of “We the People. . . .,” I find my guilty verdict totally unacceptable. And as a true member of the upper middle class, I would like to assure the police and merchants of this area that I will avoid it like the plague (with my $800 12-speed, family and $50-100,000 annual income).



San Pedro
