
Services for Placentia Area

In response to Leonel Magana’s letter (Sept. 13) to the editor, I thought you should be made aware of facts that were not included in his letter: The Traffic Safety Commission has addressed Magana’s request for a stop sign at La Jolla Street and Arnold Road on several occasions with the same result each time.

The intersection does not meet the state guidelines outlined by the California Department of Transportation that we use as our policy guidelines and would not resolve the problem stated by Magana. And the causes of the several fatalities and multiple accidents he alluded to is just not correct.

Also, the old corporation yard site on Melrose that Magana addressed as an eyesore is in the planning stage for development, and improvements will include additional parking, lighting, turf and play areas. Funding for this project is included in the 1987-88 fiscal year budget.


Overall, Magana’s letter indicates that we have not offered any help, support or addressed the problems of the Lo Jolla area. We continue to provide service to all areas of the city consistent with policies and guidelines. The traffic commission has used the same Caltrans standards for all areas of the city with regard to traffic-related requests. Therefore, Magana’s statement that government is supposed to represent everyone equally has been the practice of this city for many years.


Director of Public Works

City of Placentia
