
Of Movers and Shakers

Gonzalez-Correa is quite wrong in her letter (Sept. 20), in response to Sam Hall Kaplan’s column when she wrote,”there is not a lot of imagination here”--and thus should fit into Los Angeles quite nicely. She states she received lots of phone calls from movers and shakers (arch words for L.A., to say the least), but the question is, did she answer them?

Creative ideas and imagination abound in Los Angeles (for all variety of concerns) but they find it hard to get much of a hearing--as a look with an open eye or reading of Kaplan’s articles would readily show. The quick acceptance of the status quo view (shades of old boys) does not bode well for the success in people terms of the Nickerson Gardens redevelopment. Given the supposed thrust of the program with its tenant involvement, etc., one has to ponder the relevance of movers and shakers--from the outside. Here my imagination does fail me.


Los Angeles
