
Large Development Companies Have Diversified Portfolios

Big development/management firms don’t specialize, according to the sixth annual survey of Buildings magazine.

The census shows that many of the nation’s largest firms have their interests spread out over several types of building categories. Building types tallied in the study include office buildings, retail operations, hotels and motels, apartments and condos and other commercial properties.

For the first time, the census includes a Japanese firm,, Mitsui Fudosan, representing 2.3 million square feet of U. S. real estate. However, the magazine noted that other Japanese firms did not choose to participate in the survey.


Among development/management firms, Trammell Crow Co., Dallas, is the largest participant, with nearly 278 million square feet either owned or managed or both. As an example of the diversity in portfolios, the firm does not top the other leading firms in any single category.

Among the Los Angeles firms included in the study were Angeles Real Estate Management Corp., Coldwell Banker, Carter Hawley Hale Stores, and R&B; Enterprises.
