
Showroom to Become Site of Office Complex

A joint-venture partnership has purchased the vacated Wickes furniture showroom in Woodland Hills’ Warner Center and plans to build a mixed-use facility on the site valued at more than $100 million.

Demolition of the showroom, at 6100 Canoga Ave., is expected to begin by the end of the year. The first phase of the new project will begin by next summer, and calls for the construction of a six-story office building with about 130,000 square feet of space.

The second phase will include two twin office towers, a shopping plaza, restaurants, and possibly a hotel. Completion is expected by the summer of 1989.


The partnership is comprised of Saunders Development Corp., Michael D. White & Associates, Warren D. Griess & Associates, and Kravetz/Terheggen Partners. Kravetz/Terheggen developed the Trillium, a nearby office and hotel complex.
