
County Honors Armless Guitarist

Tony Melendez, the armless man who was embraced by Pope John Paul II after playing the guitar with his toes at the Universal Amphitheater during last month’s papal visit, was honored for his courage Tuesday by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors.

“I say to everyone, you can do just as much, if not more, than I can,” said the 25-year-old singer-guitarist when he received his scroll. “I believe from my heart we can all do as much as we want to do.”

Melendez, who was born without arms in Nicaragua, was praised by board Chairman Mike Antonovich for “showing us the quality of life is in all human beings, no matter what condition they come into the world.”


Melendez is working toward certification as a youth minister. He wanted to be a priest but was turned down due to his handicap.
