
Local News in Brief : Work on Escape Ramps

Los Angeles County Supervisors, reacting to several fatal accidents involving runaway vehicles on the steep downgrade of Kanan Dume Road near Malibu, voted Tuesday to close part of the popular cross-mountain route until a 1,000-foot-long gravel bed to stop out-of-control vehicles can be built at the Pacific Coast Highway.

A twisting, four-mile stretch of Kanan Dume north of the coast highway intersection will be closed at 8 p.m. Friday and reopened by mid-November after the “arrester bed” of gravel and sand is installed at the intersection, county officials said.

The closure is necessary because three crashes involving runaway vehicles--two trucks and a recreational vehicle--have killed four people since July 27, Supervisor Deane Dana said. Supervisors lowered the maximum weight of vehicles allowed on Kanan Dume from 14,000 to 8,000 pounds last week.
