
Southeast : 4 Schools to Vie for Honor

Four Southeast area high schools are among 120 nominated for the 1987-88 Distinguished Secondary School Awards, state Superintendent of Public Instruction Bill Honig announced Wednesday.

The schools are Cerritos High in the ABC Unified School District, Warren High in the Downey Unified School District, SchurrHigh in the Montebello Unified School District and Whittier High in the Whittier Union High School District.

Schools were nominated by having the highest performance or greatest improvement on a variety of quality indicators such as test scores, more students taking academic courses and reduced dropout rates.


Schools that are nominated must submit an application that provides detailed information about their curriculum, instructional practices, staff development and school activities. A selection committee of state and local educators will review the nominated schools’ applications and visit the campuses of semifinalists earlier next year.

Sixty winners will be announced in April. An award ceremony will be held June 3 when the winners will be honored with commemorative plaques and flags. Honig started the distinguished school award program in 1986 as part of his California School Recognition Program.
