
Readers React to Thrift Shops for Charity

David Johnston’s article “Charity Thrifts” (Sept. 27) was very enlightening and also appalling to me.

I feel that as interesting as the article was, it worries me for fear it may give a bad name to the thrift shops that are giving 100% of their profits to charitable organizations. I am sure that there must be quite a few of them.

I would like to tell you about the Cystic Fibrosis Thrift Shop, located at 4003 E. Fourth Street, Long Beach 90814. (213) 433-0493.


We have been in operation for 15 years. We are 22 ladies, all volunteers; we are a unit working together to raise money for research for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. No one is paid; all our time is donated as is all the merchandise we have for sale. The only expense is the rent and utilities.

With all us ladies doing our share, we are proud to say that checks are sent to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation in the amounts of $3,000 to $4,000 a month. Our donations are used for research for cystic fibrosis which is a killer disease to young people.

Some of our ladies have children who have cystic fibrosis and some have lost children to the disease.


Your article was very interesting and makes one realize that one should check before giving money or merchandise to charity. Although it still helps some organizations, I think it is a shame that certain individuals are becoming wealthy in the name of charity.


Long Beach
