
Woody Herman Still Critical

Big-band leader Woody Herman remained in critical condition at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center on Friday, eight days after he was taken there from his Hollywood home and placed on a life-support system.

The famed clarinetist reportedly was suffering from emphysema as well as a heart condition and what hospital spokesman Ron Wise called “generally poor health.”

Herman’s desperate financial situation came to public attention several weeks ago when he was about to be evicted from the house he and his late wife bought more than 40 years ago.


The current owner, who bought the house in 1985 after it was seized by the Internal Revenue Service because of a $1.6-million tax liability, said Herman was behind on his rent.

Private donations and fund-raising efforts by two jazz radio stations kept Herman in the house. A private bill is pending in Congress to forgive his tax burden.

The tax problems began in the 1960s, according to the bandleader’s daughter, when a business manager failed to make the payments.
