
Buena Park : Council Candidate’s Signs Are Vandalized

Reverse swastikas were painted on campaign signs of a candidate for the Buena Park City Council over the weekend, authorities said Sunday.

Between Friday night and Saturday morning, three of nine campaign signs belonging to Max Schulman were defaced with large red swastikas, Buena Park Police Lt. Tony Kelly said.

Police have no suspects in the vandalism. An investigation is continuing, Kelly said.

Schulman, who said it cost $600 to have the 4-foot-by-8-foot signs repainted, doubted that the apparent outburst of anti-Semitism was related to his City Council campaign.


“I have a hunch it was an individual act of vandalism directed at me personally and not related to politics,” Schulman said. He declined to state his religion but said he is of German descent.

Schulman is one of five candidates for two council seats. The others are Mayor Don Griffin, Councilman Lester Reese, Donald Bone and Lee Connelly.
