
Rhetoric Heats Up Over Judge Bork

I have 22 tapes of the Bork hearings. I have listened carefully. He is not being treated fairly. The TV news segments were too brief to help the voters form a reasoned opinion. The coverage in the Los Angeles Times is far more complete. I agree with law Prof. Forrest McDonald (Op-Ed Page, Oct. 10) that Bork was being judged by “crooks, cheats, frauds, liars and philanderers.” The judge’s reasonable, patient explanations of his writings should be heard by every voter.

Bork has requested that voices be lowered during the upcoming debate. We will see.

If this and future judicial appointments are to be judged by such kangaroo courts as this Senate Judiciary Committee has been, then our celebrated Constitution may as well be cut into neat, four-inch rectangles and applied to other purposes.


