
Church Faces Possible Demolition

Only four days before the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the First Church of Religious Science in Fullerton, 117 N. Pomona Ave., church officials were notified that the 78-year-old building could be marked for demolition because of damage from the Oct. 1 earthquake.

The Rev. Marlene Oaks said the congregation will celebrate the anniversary at 11 a.m. Sunday, but it could be the last service in the building, which is also Fullerton’s oldest standing church.

City officials and structural engineers have been studying the damaged building for the last two weeks. Oaks was notified Wednesday that the church may have to be demolished.


The temblor damaged much of the church’s outer masonry, separated ceiling tresses, and separated a wall and a balcony from the ceiling. It has been estimated that nearly $500,000 will be needed for repairs to bring the building up to city code, Oaks said.

City officials said the congregation could have the 25th anniversary service in the church Sunday, as long as there are no further aftershocks. It will, however, be the last service the denomination will hold in the building until repairs are made.

The United Methodist Church, which is across the street, has offered to let Oaks conduct Sunday services there for the next two weeks while a temporary building is sought for her congregation.


Oaks is optimistic that the congregation will be able to raise the funds needed for repairs. She plans to solicit donations from the community and her congregation.

“Such a beautiful building that has been here for so long should be preserved,” she said. “They just don’t make buildings like this anymore.”

Completed in 1909, the building was the home of the United Methodist Church for 53 years. When the church outgrew the building in 1962, it was sold to the First Church of Religious Science for $18,000.


The building’s classic architecture includes original stained-glass windows that by today’s standards are considered priceless, Oaks said.

The church will hold an anniversary party Sunday night at the Los Coyotes Country Club in Fullerton. The festivities will include dinner, special musical presentations and a dance band. Those interested in donating to the church’s rebuilding fund, or in getting more information about the anniversary activities, may call (714) 525-1126.
