
Fullerton : Hearing on Two Park Projects Set Tonight

A public hearing on two significant park projects, the Brea Dam master plan and Vista Park, will be held tonight by the Fullerton Community Services Commission.

The meeting, which begins at 7:30 p.m., will be held in the City Hall Council Chambers, 303 W. Commonwealth Ave.

A proposed site plan for Vista Park calls for preserving most of the land in its natural state, but adding a series of switchbacks for hiking and riding trails, city officials said. It also calls for designating two areas for future development of restaurants, which the city described as “a unique feature of the plan.”


The 11-acre Vista Park property is located at the southwest corner of Bastanchury Road and State College Boulevard in an undeveloped part of the East Coyote Hills.

The commission also will consider a draft of a master plan for the Brea Dam Recreational Area, which is bordered by Bastanchury Road and Harbor and Brea boulevards. The Army Corps of Engineers owns the land and leases 232 acres to Fullerton. The Fullerton Municipal Golf Course makes up 106 of the leased acres.

The draft prepared by the Corps recommends recreational uses for the land that includes picnic areas, “primitive” and developed campgrounds, nature centers, sports fields, stables, horse and hiking trails and “resorts,” city officials said.
