
Local News in Brief : Arson Suspected in Mobile Home Blast

Arson investigators are looking into an explosion that engulfed a Canyon Country mobile home in flames and left its 28-year-old occupant with second-degree burns on his arms and legs, firefighters said Sunday.

The occupant, Michael Roades, was treated and released from Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital in Valencia shortly after Saturday’s blaze, which also burned a neighbor’s car and carport, said Ann Coleman, a supervising nurse.

Traces of an unspecified flammable liquid and a suspicious burn pattern led authorities to suspect that the fire, which caused $22,000 in damage, may have been intentionally set, said Bob Goldman, a dispatcher with the Los Angeles County Fire Department.


Numerous calls about the explosion just before 4 p.m. brought four fire engines and a team of paramedics to the blaze in the Desert Gardens Mobile Home Park on the 13600 block of Soledad Canyon Road.

The fire is being investigated by the county Sheriff’s and Fire departments, Goldman said.
