
Water District Helps Plant the Seed

Whether you’re already pulling up petunias or just looking to trim your water bills, the Municipal Water District of Orange County offers a good brochure on xeriscape.

In simple, concise terms--and with extensive visual aids--it provides answers to questions ranging from how to target water waste to the what, wheres and hows of planting a xeriscape garden.

For those interested in further reading, a list of books is included. For those who would like a closer look at xeriscaping, there also is a list of places to visit.


And for those who may be tired of Parcheesi, or bored with Trivial Pursuit, there is a xeriscape game, to be played, appropriately enough, with pennies.

To request the free brochure, call Fred Adjarian at the water district at (714) 973-1023. Adjarian also can supply names of qualified professionals who design xeriscapes, and nurseries that offer wide selections of drought-tolerant plants.
