
HERMOSA BEACH CITY COUNCIL RACE : Candidates Answer Questions on Issues

Should the city trade limited development rights to Santa Fe Railway to acquire most of the right of way if the city and Santa Fe cannot reach an agreement on price?

Creighton: No.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. Oct. 29, 1987 For the Record
Los Angeles Times Thursday October 29, 1987 Home Edition South Bay Part 9 Page 2 Column 5 Zones Desk 3 inches; 98 words Type of Material: Correction
A story on the Hermosa Beach City Council election in Sunday’s South Bay section contained two errors.
Planning Commissioner Chuck Sheldon, a council candidate, was quoted as saying that the commission and the City Council had been making the city’s general plan and zoning consistent and in every case had chosen to lower housing density. The sentence afterward erroneously quoted Planning Director Michael Schubach as contradicting Sheldon. Actually, Schubach agreed that the less dense alternative was adopted in all but one case.
The story also erred in saying that David Greenwood is a partner in the development of a shopping center under construction at 16th Street and Pacific Coast Highway.

DeBellis: Yes, but if it gets to that point the issue should be put to the voters.

Neiman: No.

Sheldon: No.

Should there be separate bicycle and pedestrian paths on the beach?

Creighton: No. The beach is too congested as is--put it inland.

DeBellis: Yes, if legal.

Neiman: Yes. It’s worth a few feet of beach space to make it safer.

Sheldon: No.

Does the downtown need a revitalization program, and should the city help finance it?

Creighton: That will occur through attrition. No government assistance is needed.

DeBellis: Yes. Favors financial incentives to businesses. Improved parking--including some recently approved council plans--should help.

Neiman: Yes. Favors financial incentives to businesses and improved parking.

Sheldon: Does not know

Do you favor a parking structure in downtown?:

Creighton: If merchants pay for it.

DeBellis: No, not near beach.

Neiman: Yes.

Sheldon: Does not know.
