
Protest Coverage Spurs Dismay

The Times headline “No Parking at Nicaragua Protest Drives Activists to Charge Repression” is yet another example of misleading and liberal bias in the press.

One could easily get the impression from the headline and accompanying article that the federal government is repressing the pro-Marxist leftists supporting the Soviet-backed Sandinistas by now allowing them to park at the Federal Building parking lot.

In actuality, the opposite is true! Pro- contra demonstrators have been denied a permit to demonstrate at the Federal Building two times. We did not have the ACLU come to our aid as did the pro-Sandinistas who were given a permit.


As for closure of the Federal Building parking lot, the pro-contra demonstrators were excluded as well! It must be pointed out that the UCLA parking lot across the street from the Federal Building had plenty of room. One can therefore conclude that the whining complaints of the leftist activists seems to be just a propaganda ploy to try and gain sympathy for their cause.

The contras have been victims of a dishonest press when the L. A. Times practices a policy of censorship through omission. Contras have been beaten up and had their cars vandalized in the Federal Building parking lot by leftists after demonstrations. Meanwhile, The Times will print accusations about so-called right-wing death squads and ignore activities of the left-wing death squads.


Culver City
