
Julian Coach Is Suspended as Result of Players’ Fight

Scott Munson, coach of the Julian High School eight-man football team, Monday was suspended indefinitely, said John Mann, school principal.

Munson’s suspension by Mann resulted from a series of fights that broke out among players from Julian and rival Francis Parker in the second half of a game Saturday night.

The game was finally halted with a 3:45 remaining.

Julian had led the game, 18-0, but eventually lost, 45-18. It was the first time Julian had been scored on in five previous games this season.


“I personally believe a coach has to have control of his team and that is regardless of the situation of what is happening on the field or in the stands or whatever,” Mann said. “This is one of those games you wished you never had.”

Munson, who is in his second year as head coach, will retain his position at the school as a social science and mathematics teacher, Mann said. Assistant coach Mike Cunningham, who has coached at Ramona and St. Augustine, will take over as head coach.

Mann informed the 18 players before practice Monday.

“We hope the kids will get in an upswing again and demonstrate their skills and sportsmanship like they had the first five games,” Mann said.


Munson could not be reached for comment Monday night.
