
‘Fresh Start for Transit’

County Supervisor Kenneth Hahn’s solution regarding who should head the public transportation in Los Angeles County (“A Proven Entity to Run Transit,” Op-Ed Page, Oct. 17) would only distort the accountability of such a vital function in our county. His solution of handing over the reins of transportation to the Board of Supervisors is an example of the compounding of public services which this elected body is already confronted with.

The Board of Supervisors presently has its hands full with such services as tax collection, health services, welfare and several others. By adding the extra duty of accounting for the transportation system, we are jeopardizing the attention that is already being paid to these services.

In the same way we elected the Board of Supervisors to monitor the issues mentioned above, we can also elect officials to monitor public transportation. One elected body concentrating its efforts on one specific issue could more easily be held accountable than an elected body with various public issues on its agenda.


The two gentlemen, Alan Kiepper (Houston Metropolitan Transit Authority general manager) and Dyer, recommended by Hahn for transportation management, would better serve county bus riders as elected officials.


Monterey Park
