
East County : Architect’s Contract for New Jail Approved

The Board of Supervisors Tuesday approved a $2.4-million contract for architectural and engineering work on the proposed 6,000-bed jail in Gympsum and Coal canyons.

The contract was the result of negotiations between the county and the firm chosen in September, Henningson, Durham & Richardson, Inc., together with the Blurock Partnership.

A citizens group opposed to the jail, which is planned for the area south of the Riverside Freeway, is trying to collect enough signatures to get an initiative on the June ballot that would block the jail and mandate placing any future jails in Santa Ana.


The master plan is supposed to be finished by Aug. 1, 1988, according to the county General Services Agency.

The $2.4 million comes from a special $6-million fund established by the supervisors for the fiscal year ending June 30 for work on the proposed jail.
