
Support for Child-Care Consortium

This letter is in response to the article about the child-care consortium (Glendale section, Oct. 15). I am an employee of Glendale Federal, which is one of the consortium members. I was very disturbed to find out that the school district may drop out of the consortium.

I have a 2-month-old daughter enrolled in the program now. She has been there for one week. What really disturbs me is the thought of moving her again. She spent her first week alone in four different homes because my first day-care plans fell through.

I don’t like the idea of leaving her in the first place; if I could, I would stay home, but I can’t afford to. It was at least comforting to me to know that she was in good hands at the consortium. You can tell that the staff really love the children and that they don’t just “baby-sit” them, they work with them. The children there seem very content and happy, which is a good sign that they are being well cared for.


I would hate to see this staff go. Think what it would do to these kids that have been there the past few months. I hope you do everything possible to make this work, for the kids’ sake.


