
CAMPAIGN ’88 : Gore Makes Rounds of the California Kit

Tennessee Sen. Albert Gore Jr. jetted into California the other day and immediately got out his California Campaign Kit.

It is the same kit used by other presidential hopefuls when they visit this state, which, with its late (June 7) primary, is better known for the money it exports to Iowa and New Hampshire than for the delegates it offers every presidential election year.

Contents of the California kit include: A policy address to a major civic group, fund-raising dinners in wealthy neighborhoods and issue events to draw press coverage--usually at locations such as schools, hospitals or toxic dumps.


On Monday, Gore made a speech about the economy to the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco. Then he flew to Los Angeles for private fund-raising dinners Monday and Tuesday nights, arranged by the industrialist Dr. Armand Hammer. On Tuesday, after alerting the press, he visited County-USC Hospital, where he called for more AIDS research. Wednesday morning it was on to the McColl toxic dump to sympathize with Fullerton homeowners who want the site cleaned up or capped.

Then, at 2:45 p.m. Wednesday, Gore and his aides put the campaign checks in their briefcases and zoomed out of Los Angeles International Airport for points east.
