
Juror Furor: ‘Little Creep Should Fry’

United Press International

A woman forced disqualification of about 50 potential jurors in the “preppie murder” trial by loudly proclaiming in the courtroom that “the little creep should fry,” sources close to the case said today.

The angry judge abruptly sent the would-be panelists packing Thursday and swore in 45 other men and women with a stern warning.

“If you violate any of my instructions . . . , you open yourself to a possible sanction by the court,” state Supreme Court Justice Howard E. Bell said Thursday. That sanction could be as much as six months in jail, the district attorney’s office said.


Sources close to the case disclosed that a female prospective panelist caused the furor in the murder trial of Robert Chambers Jr., 21, a former altar boy who attended some of the most exclusive schools in the New York area.

“The woman contaminated the pool by telling other members, ‘The little creep should fry.’ She said it often and within earshot of a lot of them,” the source said.

Chambers is accused of strangling another prep school graduate, Jennifer Dawn Levin, 18, in Central Park behind the Metropolitan Museum of Art on Aug. 26, 1986.
