
‘Another Crack in a Broken Heart’ : Mrs. Reagan Hurt by Patti Missing Rites

United Press International

The failure of Nancy Reagan’s daughter, Patti Davis, to show up for her grandmother’s memorial service to be held Saturday “can only be another crack in a broken heart,” the First Lady’s press secretary said today.

Elaine Crispen told reporters earlier this week that daughter Patti had other “travel plans” and would not join Nancy Reagan in Phoenix for services for Edith Davis, who died Monday at the age of 91.

“I’ve seen what (Mrs. Reagan) has been going through,” said Crispen, “and this can only be another crack in a broken heart,” referring to Davis’ refusal to be on hand for the Saturday service.


President Reagan was flying to Arizona later today to join his grieving wife, who was very close to her mother.

Mrs. Davis, who was ailing and in a wheelchair for years, asked to be cremated.

The First Lady, who underwent breast cancer surgery nearly two weeks ago, was comforted by her son Ron, who arrived in Phoenix Wednesday to assist her with the funeral arrangements.

“Ron’s arrival was like a shot of penicillin,” Crispen said.

“I think we all have to remember through all of this she has lost her mother, a person she has known longer than anyone else in life,” Crispen said. “It’s very upsetting to her.”


She said Mrs. Reagan had selected the 23rd Psalm to be read and the Lord’s Prayer to be sung at her mother’s service in St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church at 2 p.m. Saturday.

Mrs. Davis and her husband, Dr. Loyal Davis, were Presbyterian but often attended a Catholic church.
