
Stock Market, Deficit and a Tax Hike

Black Monday (Oct. 19) most certainly captured the attention of all Americans and Gray Monday (Oct. 26) maintained it. That begets the question of “Where do we go from here?”

We have had days of Media Mavens, Securities Savants and Political Pedants mewling through our foreign-made television sets after they drove to the network studios in their foreign-manufactured cars.

Finger pointing was the order of the day. Americans are suffering from self-inflicted wounds. We have been giving our money away to our trading partners so they can loan it back to us.


This is an American problem--neither a Republican or Democratic problem. A polarized nation can’t cure itself. The whole free world depends on us; therefore, the time has come for us to depend on ourselves.

Let us be pragmatic about it in the simplest of terms. Stop the buck here in America. This will cure the trade deficit. Germany refused to cooperate by raising interest rates. Japan cleverly stalled us on free trade. The cure is not contained in economic euphemisms.

We have to do it ourselves. Stop buying foreign cars, television sets, clothing, beverages, etc. and watch the trade deficit disappear.


Inflation is down, employment is up, profits are up. Let’s not talk and spend ourselves into a depression. The country is strong and vibrant. Yes, we’ve been hurt but not fatally.

Congress and the President cannot afford to be adversaries.

The bottom line is in the hands of each and every American. Protect us from our friends--we can cope with our enemies.

Therefore, we the people have the power and the will. Stop the buck here in America, and watch the deficits disappear.



