
Laguna Beach : Heat’s Off; City Workers Invited to Film Screening

After a flap over a possible conflict of interest, city employees next Wednesday will have their own private screening of “Laguna Heat,” a Home Box Office movie based on the book by local resident T. Jefferson Parker.

The screening is Home Box Office’s way of thanking city employees who cooperated with crews filming on location last spring, HBO spokesman Robert Gold said.

Initially, only upper-management employees were invited to a screening and reception sponsored by Dimension Cable Co. But City Manager Kenneth C. Frank said they could not attend because they would be violating the city’s policy on accepting gifts from companies that do business with the city.


HBO responded by offering a separate screening--without the reception--for all city employees.

Three of the people who actually will vote on the cable franchise, the City Council members, envisioned few problems with the idea of attending a VIP party to see the film.

Mayor Neil J. Fitzpatrick and council members Daniel Kenney and Martha Collison said they might attend the VIP event. One council member, Robert F. Gentry, said he would not attend, and council member Lida Campbell Lenney could not be reached for comment.


“It’s no different than going to a neighborhood association meeting where they give you a few cookies and punch,” Fitzpatrick said.

The city’s administrative policies do not apply to council members, who must report gratuities on their tax returns.

Dimension’s contract with the city expires in two years, but Frank said the city would like to begin negotiating for some capital improvements for better reception.
