
Compton : Hotel to Bear City’s Name

The City Council voted 3 to 2 Tuesday to insist that the word “Compton” be included in the name of the city-owned, first-class hotel it hopes to open later this year.

This reversed last week’s 4-1 decision in which the council agreed to name the building after the Lazben Hotel Management Corp., the firm contracted to run the facility.

Councilwoman Jane D. Robbins, who had voted to approve the name “Lazben Hotel,” asked the council to reconsider, saying that there were several historical names that could be used. She was joined by Mayor Walter R. Tucker, who had also voted for Lazben, and Councilman Maxcy D. Filer, who had been the lone vote against. Councilmen Floyd A. James and Robert L. Adams opposed the reversal.


The council then unanimously suggested that the name be “The Compton-Dominguez Plaza Hotel.” An official vote on that will be taken next week.
