
San Diego

An SDG&E; employee working to restore power Wednesday to customers along the Embarcadero was burned Wednesday when a short circuit triggered a small explosion, authorities said.

Thomas Crogan, 39, of El Cajon suffered second-degree burns to the right side of his face and hands and was taken by Life Flight helicopter to UC San Diego Medical Center. Crogan was released an hour later, San Diego Gas & Electric spokesman Tom Murnane said.

Crogan was a member of an SDG&E; crew that was trying to connect two underground cables in a manhole at Ash Street and Harbor Drive. When the crew noticed water flooding the manhole, they stopped working and got out, Murnane said.


Crogan was standing on the street peering into the manhole when the explosion occurred, Murnane said. The powerful shorting out of the circuit lasted 30 seconds.

Murnane said the power outage along the Embarcadero was reported about 6 p.m. Tuesday when 120 customers along the Embarcadero lost power, including Anthony’s Restaurant and Holiday Inn.

SDG&E; was able to restore power to 80 customers by 8 p.m., Murnane said.

“What caused the outage is unknown,” Murnane said. “It probably had something to do with (a) switch, but we are not certain at this time.”


Murnane said power was expected to be fully restored by late Wednesday.
