
U.S. Vetoes Security Council Resolution to Censure Israel


The United States vetoed today a resolution in the Security Council to censure Israel for its iron-fist response to the Palestinian uprising in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

The 14 other members voted for the proposal, submitted by Algeria, Argentina, Nepal, Senegal, Yugoslavia and Zambia.

Explaining his action killing the draft, United States delegate Herbert Okun repeated American objections to the council’s frequent debates on the events in the occupied territories. This was the fifth round of discussion in the council since the uprising began Dec. 9 and the second time since Feb. 1 that the United States exercised its power of veto on the issue.


The Americans voted for a resolution Jan. 5 that called on Israel to rescind deportation orders against Palestinians who were said to have instigated the revolt. The latest draft resolution was prompted by new Israeli deportation orders.
