
Strikebreaker in Teachers’ Walkout

The commentary by Fran Reed (April 17) is as saddening as it is insulting. Does she know that her rationalizations for being a strikebreaker have been used since the beginning of labor and management confrontations? Can she see that she has become a pawn for one side of a labor dispute? It is not worthwhile to explain to her that the extra money she is getting comes from the teachers on strike. It is useless to tell her that, by her misguided actions, she is perpetuating a system of mediocrity and inequity in treatment of employees.

The school district management, of course, wants more people like her who are willing to accept cookies while they offer the teachers crumbs. Reed may be proud that she is upholding the status quo, but the teachers want better conditions for themselves and the students. If Reed is sincere about being a partner in education, she would cease being a dupe for the district and join her partners on the picket line.


