
Local News in Brief : Boy Severely Burned in Apartment Blaze

A 9-year-old Sun Valley boy was severely burned Friday when, a family member said, he ran back inside a burning apartment to search for his brother, who had already escaped.

Lucio Acedo was in serious but stable condition at Childrens Hospital of Los Angeles with burns over 45% of his body.

The boy’s parents, five brothers and sisters and a woman who lived next door were left homeless by the 3:30 a.m. fire that gutted the two-bedroom apartment, the Los Angeles Fire Department said. The official cause of the fire had not been determined, but investigators said there may have been a short in a space heater in one of the bedrooms.


“It was very smoky and dark, and they all were yelling and trying to get out,” said Elizabeth Vargas, a spokeswoman for the family. “(Lucio) got out and didn’t see his brother, so he ran back in to get him out. He got caught inside, and that’s when he got burned.”

The boy’s father then rushed into the home and pulled him out, she said.
