
Reagan’s Popularity

Ronald Reagan will be sorely missed. For his style and grace. For his courage under fire. For stemming the tide of socialism in America and for his ability to distinguish between civil rights and civil wrongs.

On the world stage, Reagan has immeasurably increased the chances of peace between the superpowers by putting this country in a position of dealing with the Soviets from strength. He has given our armed forces teeth--and pulled a few of (Libyan leader Moammar) Khadafi’s. Even the glaring failure to eradicate the stain of communism from Central America can hardly be laid at his door. A balky, cowardly Congress earns full responsibility for that.

As he leaves office in a glow of national appreciation, it is ironic to note that this most popular of presidents was also the most reviled by the predominantly liberal press. If you doubt that, I suggest you review your editorials over the last eight years.



Pacific Palisades
