
No-Fault Insurance

The four letters (April 16) replying to Harvey Rosenfield’s column “Rather Than Fighting 103, Insurers Should Seize the Chance It Gives Them” (Op-Ed Page, April 4) still do not hit the mark. Of course, costs for medical care, car repairs and lawsuits are going to go up, as Thomas Conneely of the Assn. of California Insurance Cos. indicates.

Jeff Taxier says Proposition 103 is an “opportunity for the insurance industry.” Right. They have an opportunity to sponsor a media push for drivers of all ages to obey traffic laws and to be more courteous.

There is only one program I know of in effect in California to help people be better, safer drivers. That is the Mature Driver Program for those age 55 and over given at senior centers and YMCAs throughout the greater Los Angeles area.


This law provides three years of auto insurance discount via a Department of Motor Vehicles certificate issued at the end of the 8-hour course. Most discounts are 5%, but it seems that seniors are waiting for the elusive larger Proposition 103 discount, not realizing the other benefits of taking this refresher course.

There will always be some accidents, but the careless drivers out there (“care less”?) are costing the rest of us and the insurance companies too much. Let’s see what the insurance companies do with this opportunity.


Pacific Palisades
