
Hart on Peace With the Soviets

In reply to Hart’s column, no, the United States is not ready for a world beyond the Cold War. (See Henry Kissinger’s magnificent interview with Anthony Day and Jack Burby, “A President’s Historic Opportunity to Define a New World Destination,” Opinion, April 30) and yes, indeed, there is a plan for the economic conversion of our weapons-production facilities to domestic uses. Rep. Ted Weiss (D-N.Y.) introduced HR 813, on Jan. 28, 1987.

Called “A Defense Economic Adjustment Act,” its preamble states, “A bill to facilitate the economic adjustment of communities, industries, and workers to reductions or realignments in defense or aerospace contracts, military facilities, and arms export, and for other purposes.” The bill is all inclusive and originally had many congressional supporters but not enough to get it through Congress.

Many articles and books have been written on the subject. However, until the politics of peace catch up with the economics of peace, nothing will come of our desire for peace.



Sherman Oaks
