
Southern California Job Market : Coping With Commuting : FOR MORE INFORMATION

- Commuter Computer, a nonprofit organization funded by government and private industry, runs an extensive electronic database of commuters. To find car-pooling partners, call:

Los Angeles: 213-380-7433

Riverside: 714-684-7433.

San Bernardino 714-825-7433.

Ventura: 805-656-7433.

- For help on ways to commute by bicycle contact Human Powered Transit Assn.: P.O. Box 1552, Reseda, Calif., 91335.

- For help on setting up ride-sharing programs at your company contact Meredith Clark at the South Coast Air Quality Management District: 818-307-3519.


- For help on becoming certified as an employee transportation coordinator, contact: Commuter Computer, Kathy Tsuhara: 213-380-7750, ext. 323.

- For information on RTD’s Corporate Pass program, in which employers can subsidize employees’ use of public transit, call 213-237-2014 or 213-972-4680.
