
Role of Teachers

Recently I attended my eighth-grade daughter’s Back-to-School Night at Sowers Middle School in Huntington Beach. As I shook each teacher’s hand and said how much I appreciated her efforts, I began to realize how much I will miss these wonderful people.

Through my daughter, I came to know her teachers so well. Mrs. Black shared her love of reading and writing. She gave me a child who is anxious to share another composition with positive comments and happy to read a book other than a Nancy Drew mystery. Mrs. Wolfe, a very aware woman, gave me a daughter that now races me to the first section of the newspaper each morning. Mrs. Hinds used her background as a math student to help my daughter realize that advanced math is indeed conquerable, even enjoyable. Mrs. Daly continued the science department’s traditions of fostering excellence in girls as much as in boys. Mrs. Dominic shared her zeal for girls in sports and now we have a fine volleyball player to cheer. As an aide for Mrs. Hayes, this lovely lady helped my child realize that life is absolutely delightful. Each teacher routinely made my daughter feel good about herself.

I like the stimulating young lady that these fine professionals send home to me each afternoon. Through my daughter, I continue to learn. Over the last three years, all her teachers have provided an environment and guidance that will afford my daughter a lifetime of success. What they have given my child is priceless.



Huntington Beach
