
Condo Repairs

Re “Builders to Pay $8.5 Million for Condo Repairs” (June 7):

Whoa! Did I miss something? If the Laguna Hills association needs more than $50 million “to properly fix the structural defects,” why is everyone rejoicing over an $8.5-million settlement? And half of that is to be paid over 15 years!

Since the money is to be paid to the association rather than to individual homeowners, who will be the poor unfortunates to take on the seemingly impossible task of setting priorities for 914 units, plus common areas, and then manage to obtain $50 million worth of repairs/reconstruction for a mere $8.5 million?

“Conflict of interest” aside, why would lawyers for the association agree that they will not represent any individual homeowners in future actions that they may seek to bring against the developers? If what I’m reading between the lines is accurate, and contrary to the published reason for settlement (“the simplest way of avoiding a long and costly trial”), it sounds as though the legal nightmare is only just beginning! Especially if 914 individual homeowners have to hire who-knows-how-many new attorneys for 914 individual lawsuits!


The present participants--law firms and current association board members--may be off the hook for now, but I can’t believe the story ends here.

Who are the principal players? Which law firms? Which major builders and subcontractors? How do you fix “inadequate soil foundations that have resulted in slippage of homes on slopes” and “premature corrosion and electrical malfunctions”? Please tell us more!


