
Walk-a-Thon Money and Salvation Army

Ben Young’s fine letter “In Behalf of the Salvation Army” (July 20) quite rightly reminds readers of the loving, steadfast and effective efforts that “army” conducts for those in need.

One comment however, may call for clarification. It’s the rueful mention that the Salvation Army is not on the receiving list for sharing proceeds of the San Fernando Valley Board of Realtors’ annual Walk-a-thon for the Valley Homeless.

These proceeds go to the Valley Mayors’ Fund for the Homeless, which selects those service-providers it deems appropriate to help, and decides how large a portion of the money raised should go to each agency. It’s a heavy responsibility, and one of the Valley Mayors’ Fund takes seriously. Most homeless-helping groups in the San Fernando Valley were formed in the last few years, to cope with this recent social phenomenon’s needs. Few if any are soundly funded, and all spend much of their needed energies on raising funds just to stay open, to meet their mortgage or rent payments, their utility bills and payrolls, in order to keep on serving the dispossessed among us in whatever ways they can.


The Salvation Army is easily the longest established and best known of all such agencies, and as such, (besides being one branch of a nationwide organization), can expect reliable funding for its work, since the general public knows, admires and trusts it, with good reason.

And so, at decision time, Valley Mayors’ Fund chooses to disburse Walk-a-thon proceeds among those other agencies in far greater need of funds. The wonderful Walk-a-thon walkers and all their sponsors, whose pledged donations amount to the total raised, can be proud that their exertions and dollars have literally saved some of these service-providers from having to close their doors.

Remarkably, there is very little competing among these groups. Instead, they meet regularly, exchange their progress and problems, network and help each other however they can. And where does this Valley-wide Coalition on the Homeless meet? Why, at Salvation Army’s Community Center!


In wintertime, Valley Mayors’ Fund collects and buys blankets for Valley people without any kind of shelter, and each year has turned over blankets beyond counting, to the Salvation Army and other groups, for direct distribution. We are all caring private citizens and co-workers who have become fond friends, toiling together toward a Valley where no one need suffer.


Sherman Oaks

Hunt is honorary mayor of Sherman Oaks and founder of the Valley Mayor’s Fund.
