
U.S. Forces Invade Panama, Oust Noriega Regime

A day after U.S. operations started in Panama, we heard Sen. Robert Dole (R-Kan.) on national television enthusiastically supporting the invasion. Just several months ago Dole harshly criticized Israel after its daring and brilliant operation in Lebanon to bring Sheik Obeid, a master terrorist, to justice. In that operation a small elite unit abducted Obeid from Lebanon without a single casualty, either military or civilian. Dole claimed that such an operation endangered the lives of the hostages.

While these lines were being typed thousands of American troops were fighting in Panama. Scores of soldiers and civilians were killed and wounded. Moreover, several American hostages were taken by the Panamanian Defense Forces (and later released).

Perhaps it is time for the U.S. government when considering such operations in the future to remember one of its truest allies, Israel, who has always shared its intelligence and experience with the United States. Had the U.S. captured Noriega initially it might have avoided bloodshed.



Los Angeles
